Monday, January 31, 2011

Egyptens vänster och revolutionen

Många har frågat mig om den egyptiska vänsterns och arbetarrörelsens eventuella roll i massrörelsen mot Mubarak. Jag lovar att återkomma till det (håll också utkik efter artiklar i veckans nummer av Arbetaren Zenit och Flamman) men vill under tiden rekommendera den här intervjun med vänsteraktivisten och journalisten Hossam al-Hamalawy gjord av Mark LeVine för Al Jazeera.

Igår publicerade också brittiska LO följande intressanta uttalande från det fristående fackliga egyptiska stödcentret CTUWS i Egypten (Center for Trade Union and Workers Services) på sin hemsida:

"Today, representatives of the Egyptian labor movement, made up of the independent Egyptian trade unions of workers in real estate tax collection, the retirees, the technical health professionals and representatives of the important industrial areas in Egypt: Helwan, Mahalla al-Kubra, the tenth of Ramadan city, Sadat City and workers from the various industrial and economic sectors such as: garment & textiles, metals industry, pharmaceuticals, chemical industry, government employees, iron and steel, automotive, etc... agreed to hold a press conference at 3:30pm this afternoon in Tahrir Square next to Omar Effendi Company store in downtown Cairo to announce the organization of the new Federation of Egyptian Trade Unions and to announce the formation of committees in all factories and enterprises to protect, defend them and to set a date for a general strike. And to emphasize that the labor movement is in the heart and soul of the Egyptian Peoples' revolution and its emphasis on the support for the six requirements as demanded by the Egyptian People's Revolution. To emphasize the economic and democratic demands voiced by the independent labor movement through thousands of strikes, sit-ins and protests by Egyptian workers in the past years."

Organiseringen fortsätter...

PS. Några andra äldre inlägg på bloggen som rör vänstern och arbetarrörelsen i Egypten:

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